UnitingSA, Kurralta Park Development

- Category:
- Residential
- Delivery:
- Lump Sum
- Value:
- $2.2m
A single 1930s property in Kurralta Park has been transformed into 9x two and three-bedroom townhouses for people on low to moderate incomes including families, young people and new arrivals.
The townhouses were designed with energy efficiency in mind in order to reduce utility costs for tenants. The homes were built with solar design features such as horizontal fixed shades, as well as vertical battens for further shading, and have light-coloured roofs to help deflect heat. Rainwater tanks, 6-star hot water systems and landscaping with drought-resistant plants have been integrated into the design. Each home also has its own garage and private rear courtyard.
Proximity of site to a shopping centre and local cafes meant public safety was paramount; a detailed Traffic Management Plan was used to control measures for managing the risks associated with interactions with traffic and pedestrians, and effectiveness of controls were reviewed on an ongoing basis.
Additionally, the split-level block had the potential to impact the safety of personnel and plant, but a thorough assessment of the site identifying slope-related issues was performed prior to commencement. This was also reviewed at every stage of works to ensure prescribed controls were still effective.
Client | UnitingSA
Architect | Marchese Partners Architects
Engineers | Trixial & BCA Engineering