Walkerville Vet
- Category:
- Commercial - Retail Veterinary
- Delivery:
- Lump Sum
- Value:
- $1.6m
This project involved demolition of the former retail buildings and car park to make way for the new veterinary practice.
The significant slope to the rear of the block was the main challenge to overcome with the external works. Appropriate design of a storm water management system capable of handling a 100 year event required significant input from Cook Building and collaboration with engineers and the architect. Being located on the major intersection of Hampstead and North East Road required close management of logistics and trade access into a small project site.
The new building has a footprint of 350 square metres. The external façade includes of mix of premium quality brickwork, full height windows and CFC cladding. The building is surrounded by an exposed aggregate concrete stepped footpath and retaining walls. The eastern boundary comprises a large canopy and 5 metre high brick retaining wall, finished with a unique and engaging custom mural. The internal fit-out consists of specialist veterinary grade consult rooms and wards with central surgery, treatments and x-ray rooms. Striking timber batten feature lining is showcased in the central reception pod, and a continual theme into other areas.
This project demonstrated Cook Building’s ability to collaborate with clients and consultants to effectively solve problems, and achieve a great outcome for all.